Thursday, January 19, 2006

I need to get over myself

The above kittens are not new kittens. They are from the very first feral cat colony that we trapped, neutered, and returned in 2001. We bottle-raised these guys and found them homes. They are symbolic to me, in more than one way.


If you see someone is stuck on the other side of a wide chasm, and they are going to die from some vast threat bearing down on them if they don't jump over to you on the other side, is it so bad to say "You can do it. I did it! If I did it, so can you!"

Even if you didn't really jump, yourself?

Perhaps someone on the other side tossed you a rope when you yourself needed to get across. Or maybe there was a log, and the log fell after you crossed and is no longer there for your friend to use. Or maybe you never were on the other side at all! But you know it's possible the chasm could be jumped, and your friend is going to die if he doesn't try.

Is it so bad to lie, to get him to save himself? "I made it! You can to! Jump!" And your friend jumps. And he's safe. Maybe he almost didn't make it. Maybe he got hurt. At least he's alive. That's good, right? What's a little fib compared to your friend's possible death? Maybe he would have jumped if you had just said "Jump! I'll catch you!" But you can't be sure. Maybe he would have been too scared to jump if he didn't believe you made it first.

But what if you really start to believe that you jumped the chasm? What if you forget about that rope or that log, and you never mention it to anyone even after your friend has jumped after you?

What if you start to boast about your jump, and to criticize those who are afraid to jump in the future?

Because, after all, you did it. Why can't they? Cowards, they are, if they won't try!

But you really. Didn't. Jump.

Maybe telling people about the rope or the log would make it safer for those who follow. But you would have to admit you fibbed. You'd have to admit you needed help. That you didn't just leap under your own power.


There is someone who makes me very angry, because he is calling a lot of people cowards. He is urging them to jump, claiming he jumped himself. Fact is, he didn't. He did a lot of good, and he did jump some amazingly high hurdles, but this was one chasm he didn't jump.

For some reason, I can't let go of this anger. Every time I hear him say to the public "Jump, jump! I did it, why can't you? You are a coward if you won't jump" it drives me into a fury. I should be over it by now. What does it matter, if he really believes he did this thing? If he makes people jump, and saves lives, why do I care if it is based here and there on smoke and mirrors.

Why do I care?

Pet a cat. Let it go. Let it go.


Anonymous said...

I guess this post isn't about James Frey, and you're not really Oprah?!

Life or death situations aside, if a lie is truly about an unrealistic expectation/outcome, I'd rather have a dose of realism than impossible expectations. I'd also never call someone a coward for doing something which was beyond my own abilities, but I know I'd be able to be supportive and encouraging. I think saying, "I wasn't able to do such and such a thing, but I believe you're strong enough to accomplish it" is pretty inspirational.

The person you're angry with is dealing with some pretty low self-esteem, I guess. If their crowning achievement in life is something they really didn't do, you mostly have to feel sorry for them.

However, I understand anger as a viable alternative :)

Anonymous said...

what leigh-ann said. Be angry and get it out of your system, and then go pet a cat. Or twenty-five.

Anonymous said...

Delusional? Yup, seem to run into a lot of those. I'm impressed by people who are brave enough to do something I can't. But if they didn't do it, say they did, and encourage others to do something that may not be possible, they need a healthy kick in the butt. Ah, pet a kitty, but still kick some butt - my cats love to watch me kick butt (i do it verbally) they think it's fun when mom starts talking and people turn red and look like they're going to cry. hehehe

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with Leigh-Ann and Joanna. But what Donna wrote is fabulous, too! Hmm...

Wildrun said...

"Pet a kitty...but kick some butt." ROTFL!!!!! Maybe that should replace "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of loose cats" at the top of my blog.

I deleted a short paragraph at the bottom where it was clear I was going over the edge.

Pet a kitty, pet a kitty...

Anonymous said...

I know who you are speaking of.. You and Tom should get together. He was livid after I sent him the web address from this person.

Anger is a good an healthy thing - it motivates us to movement sometimes....

pet a cat, pet a cat

Anonymous said...

Unrelated (sorry)... I was wondering what you think of this:

Wildrun said...

Hey sb. Concerning raw meat diets, I know there are many rescues, and some feral cat folk, that swear by it. I haven't examined it indepth because A)I don't have time to safely feed a raw meat diet and B)the food I feed street cats needs to look neat and clean (no flies) for the public. So the street cats get dry Science Diet, period. That would be an interesting post, and I'll look into it!