Wednesday, July 19, 2006

A very, very, very fine house...

A) I returned the "I had four kittens then didn't want to eat for ten days" momma cat to Swartwood (she's fine now)

B) Brought two more kittens (tentatively adopted) into the house, to be sure they won't catch some sneezy thing before they can go to their new homes, since one of the feral kids in the cat facility has a sneeze

C) Took in two feral females; they have spay appointments tomorrow. Thank you to Kathy on German Cross Road for lending us a really nice cage. I found one more in my back room, so I'm all set for these ladies.

D) I decided my own pet cats should have the photo highlight today, since they've been putting up with hyper kittens for the past few weeks, disrupting their lives. This is Ivan, the Russian-blue type, and ("Nervous") Nellie on the floor. And yes, Nellie is well-fed. Ivan isn't poorly padded either.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You've been so busy lately, and it even looks as if you've had time to vacuum! You're wonder woman :)