I'm sorry I haven't been blogging much on rescue. I have little Rudy in the barn whose picture I should be taking instead of the house cats. And I'll need to, since he'll be going to his new home on Thursday!
The cats like their new couch. Someone didn't, to start. I sat down on it the second day and discovered someone had peed on it. Argh! My cats don't commonly pee on things like this. I'm sure someone didn't think much of the smell of previous cats and Febreeze (Ivan, are your furry little ears ringing?). My fault, though. I should have known to cover it in something they would like to sleep on until they "made it their own." Luckily, the entire cover came off the cushions, and there are 2 cushions in the cover, so the bottom one was not affected. The top cushion is thin and could be washed, along with the cover. I lucked out on that.
Now I keep it covered with a fleece, and they have decided it makes a better bed than a litter pan. And it smells much better now that the Febreeze is washed entirely away. Thank goodness.
The cats both in the house and in the facility are in a turmoil, and so am I, due to the entire lack of a schedule. Their whole system of timing was destroyed when the house went from two humans to one. Nellie still wonders why she doesn't get to finish up cereal milk or oatmeal in the morning. Squeak wonders why there are no treats before bed (when I fall asleep on the couch). Norma wonders why no one comes up to sleep with her half the week. And of course, with no Nick the cat, there is no wet food for the entire clan when he comes in for the night. And now there is Bear, whom they all despise. There is no conversation in the house, so it is quiet, and half the time I even forget to have the radio on.
The cats in the facility get visited at haphazard times, and they don't like that at all.
So I've resolved this holiday weekend to sit down and actually physically write down a schedule. What time to get up. What time to go out to the cats. What time to take breaks at work. What time to give treats. What time to let Bear in the house for his evening visit, and to give everyone some wet food. What time to go out the outdoor cats for the last time (and take Bear out to his cage). What time to go to bed. And go to BED...not fall asleep on the couch.
I am afraid for a short time you all will have to endure my reflective posts while I try to settle myself. I thought I'd split this up on two blogs (this one for cat rescue, the other for my family to check in on my sanity), but that hasn't worked out at all. And break-ups are part of life for cat people, that's for sure. So I'm guessing it's relevant. At least, I will try to keep it so.
Thank you again for everyone who has gotten in touch. If you all have been this great with me, I'm sure you are a blessing to your other friends, and your families as well.
Oh, upon reading this, I realize I put "tea" in the title. Why? Well, I've had to learn to deal with walk-in guests. Walk-in guests? This seldom happened in the past. But now neighbors drop in. I've set the kitchen seating area up so I can actually invite people in to sit down. People honk when they drive by. People call and come for visits.
Previously we had a cabinet for tea. Upon visiting one of my neighbors, I was impressed that there was no "would you like some tea?" when I walked in the door (upon which I would normally say "Oh, no, but thank you").
No indeed, she just fired up the burner, put the water on, pointed me to a chair, and cut me some coffee cake. The tea was ready in an instant. I was impressed. So the small cabinet where our tea has been quaintly imprisoned has been packed up, and I put the tea in a basket. I can bring it right over to the table so visitors can choose, and maybe I'll even become settled enough to have homemade bread on hand someday, as well.
There is of course always coffee on in the morning.
I think I still have a bread machine? (checks pantry). Yes, I do. Handmade isn't likely, but even bread out a machine would be a step up, for me.
Wow girl! Look at you go!
All the power to you, now I want to come visit!
There is nothing like homemade bread. It can be done without complicting your rearranged life. Even easier than a bread machine, better too, is Mark Bittman's (of the NY Times) no-knead bread, a leisurely 18 or 24 hour approach to fabulous bread. I've got a write-up on my web site. If you look at my website www.bellewood-gardens.com go to Diary, then click on January 2007, scroll down past all the flower and stuff, at Yeast and Yeast II there are recipes and directions. I've baked bread for years, and no-knead bread is not only easier, it's better. Nothing like a bowl of soup and fresh bread in the winter, a simple sandwich on I-did-it-myself bread anytime. Enjoy.
You're amazing. I had one cat when my first marriage broke up, and I felt like I could hardly take care of him. You're managing two groups of kitties and living to tell the tale (or, "tail," given the sofa's unfortunate baptism!).
Are there any college or high school kids who could volunteer to do some service learning and help you out during the week? One the one hand, organizing that kind of venture might be too much work, on the other hand, extra help might give you some breathing time.
Anyhow, here's a cyber cup of tea raised in your direction!
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