Saturday, November 26, 2005


No way is that truck making it up Swartwood Hill this morning without snow tires! Posted by Picasa

I got a call yesterday that a young cat and two kittens were dumped some time ago at an abandoned house and barn. The house is due to be burned down next weekend and it is up in the hills. My studded snow tires were getting down to where I consider them useless for the kind of driving I do, so last spring I put them out in our periodic roadside "free" pile. But have I replaced them? Nooooooooo. Yesterday I started in to feed the Ithaca cats and had to turn around when I hit a squall before McMillan Hill. I was able to get in a few hours later. The problem with hills of course, is if the weather is getting bad, you might get out, but you may not get home. Or you might get stuck halfway up. My little truck is a great little thing if it has studded snows and at least 80 pounds of weight in the back. But with worn summer tires....useless.

I'm hoping this stops in an hour or so and melts off the roadway. Swartwood Hill, of course, is steep, winding (locals call it Snake Hill) and shady. Drat.


georg said...

I hope you get the tire troubles sorted out. My truck has similar problems- fortunately, my tires are new (thanks to a flat last spring).

We adopted Tom, From the Endicott shelter. So far so good, but we'll introduce them all slowly and make sure he sees our vet too very soon. :) He'd been there since June.

Anonymous said...

He looks like he's had a quite a life! He's lucky to be off the streets and into your home. Are you going to keep his name Tom? Let me know how he fits in with your other cats!