Saturday, October 07, 2006


This morning was kitten delivery time. Tristan, and Ernie and Bertie went off to their new homes.

The first stroke of luck came when I drove by a yard sale right before Tristan's new home, did a doubletake, took a U-turn, and purchased a cat crate that had never been used, for $10. It's large and lovely, and now one of these dumpy crates I've been using can go away.

Then Tristan lucked out with THE cat-perfect apartment. Here he is checking it out:

And here are the cool ledges, and his new friend, "Kitty."

I would say Tristan has found an apartment and owners who suit his "I'm the most important aspect of this room" attitude. I'm not sure if Kitty agrees, but I'm betting they'll be best of buddies in short order.

I didn't remember to bring the camera in when I delivered Ernie and Bertie. Ernie decided to prove the theory of "if there is a hole, kittens will find it" by somehow managing to disappear in the kitchen. There was one little hole up under the cabinets, and that's where he went. But we plopped Bertie in front of a can of tuna just outside the hole, and Ernie crawled back out again to share the treat. Duct tape took care of that hole. They then proceeded to zoom around the downstairs at high speed, oh-so-happy to be out of a cage.

So three are more are safely into homes, and the vet fund checks that each adopter donated will help vaccinate the ferals I plan to catch next week when I take half days Tuesday-Friday to trap.

Thank you for adopting a formerly feral kitten!

Here's a shot of Kitty, in case his owners want to snag it:


Anonymous said...

Hi Susan,

Thanks so much for delivering Tristan, and posting pictures on your blog! Kitty is still a bit standoffish and continues to growl and hiss at his new step-brother. But, I'm sure if we give it a few days, by Monday, they'll be good friends! Tristan is having a great time checking out the apartment, and doesn't seem to be the least bit skittish of anything or anyone. Thanks again... and we'll be in touch!

Julie & Jesse :)

Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

They each have such lovely tails!

Anonymous said...

Aww :) What a great new home!