Saturday, December 16, 2006

Serious upgrades for the holidays...

In addition to an outpouring of friendship, we received several large monetary gifts around the time of the holiday party. I had just purchased this new cage a few weeks ago:

I really like the new cage. It's roomy, professional looking, and Thomas seems happy in it (he's the current resident).

$700 in holiday donations ($500 from M., $100 from D. and N., and $100 via the Amazon link from my wonderful blog readers)have enabled me to order a stand for the cage up above (it sits too low to the ground; I like to have my cats up where they can see people) plus this second new cage:

I can't begin to thank everyone enough for their help and trust. My wire cages are getting older, and I have two on loan that I need to return to their owners this weekend. The wire dog cages are still great for ferals, but aren't the best for kittens and friendly cats. I'm looking forward to the arrival of this second cage, and hope to add at least two more before the spring rush.

In addition, the cats got two beautiful beds, lots of toys, some bowls, a pile of cats toys from georg (which I must photograph and blog for effect; many of her toys also went home as gifts to party attendees), prayer flags for the cat garden, a donation to our vet fund a few weeks ago, and the joy of visitation for the cats. A. and L. brought us organic potatos (hey, we gotta eat too!) and A. is up on the hill now helping Mark bring in wood for winter heat in the house.

The cats were pooped out by all the attention and plenty happy by the end of the day, and the kittens all seem so much more laid back now.

Thank you again for the best Christmas gifts ever!

Much love from the cats of Wildrun.


georg said...

You don't need to post a pic of the cat toys. It's easy to imagine a huge pile of green felt rectangles with stitching around the edges. :) It was wonderful to go upstairs and hand them out.

Thank you for the nip! Now to make more... :)

Wildrun said...

Oh, but I must!!!! :) I should have gotten a shot before 1/3 of them went home with other people. The felt actually seems to be standing up better than the cotton ones from last year. I'm surprised. I would have though the felt would tear easier.

Anonymous said...

Okay I'm a spaz... how do I donate?

Anonymous said...

Q:what do you do when the cat spits?

A:take him off the grill!

p.s. bwaaaahahahahaaaaa!