Tuesday, January 10, 2006

It's Tuesday

Ditz struck this dignified pose last night and I couldn't resist the shot.

Tuesday is always so hopeful. It's the beginning of the week, however Monday Hell is over. There is this belief that so much can be accomplished by Friday. There is all this time between now and then...

What an illusion. Soon it will be Thursday, with Friday looming. Yikes!

I wish I had an "organization" gene. I look at the things I accomplish, and frankly I'm amazed at how much gets done. But I have such a disconnect. How is it that the cat boxes in the cat facility get cleaned twice a day, but my own poor cats have to resort to smacking on the cat door (biddabiddabiddabiddabiddaBIDDABIDDA) to let me know that Something Really Needs To Be Done In There.

Also, if I just totally busted my butt for two weeks solid, spending every waking hour on work, cats, personal and business paperwork, house cleaning, etc. I would be all caught up and could probably resort to Regular Maintenance. This is especially important now that we are heading into tax time and I not only have to do my business taxes, but our taxes and now my father's taxes.

However, if I don't keep rolling, and I sit down in the evening, I often resort to blogging (!!) or reading, or cruising the web. There is a part of me that feels I "deserve" this. Worse yet, I may stay up until 2:00 am to get the few free hours I feel I "deserve." Which means only 5 hours of sleep. Stupid!

However, if I just did the two week butt-busting, I would probably have more real leisure time in the future.

Sigh. Happy Tuesday!


Anonymous said...

I am guilty of the same thing--and in defense, let me say that there are times when things crop up and shoot schedules to hell. What you do for a living seems especially vulnerable to interruption. And if you're caretaking a parent, then you've just added on another life to your life. So, hang in there!

mog said...

Love the pose, reminds me of Edloe. And I am very guilty of the same thing. By Wednesday, I am totally Lost. At least we have the kitties. Petting is a stress reliever.

Wildrun said...

Ah Edloe. I miss Edloe.