Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas morning, 2007

Last year was quite the kitty Christmas, and this year we hear back on Schubert and Tuck. This is why Christmas 2008 is a very Merry Christmas for me:

Anne and Steve write:
One year ago, on Christmas morning, you brought us Schubert and Tuck. The six-month old brothers spent the week between Christmas and New Years in their safe room, getting used to the idea of living with a big dog, in a house they could call their very own. One year later, they are doing SO well and having such fun racing from one end of the house to the other and getting those deep ear cleanings that only a dog can deliver. Tuck weighs in at 10.5 pounds, with Schubert a bit bigger at 11.5. Tuck is very laid back and easy going; always first at the door to welcome us home, and never shy about throwing himself into the middle of a dad-and-dog game on the living room floor. Schubert is a bit shyer (smarter perhaps!), but definitely not a wall flower. He is the lap cat I always wanted. Between power naps, the two of them pound around the house, ricocheting off furniture and wrestling. Having the two of them is such a good thing! All best wishes to you in the New Year. Thanks for doing what you do! Anne and Steve

Thank you! These are the best Christmas cards ever. :)

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