Thank you both!!!!
I decided to spend some time working with the feral kittens, so I broke out the baby food. They succumbed nicely and were happily licking it from my finger while in my lap. However, Perci, a baby-food fiend, was frantically meowing from her run, so I had to let her out to lick the spoon.
While feeding the torti longfur her baby food, I sniffed suspiciously and realized she had a bad case of kitten butt. This lovely condition arises when kitten poop get stuck in the butt fur and can only be resolved by a bath in our bathroom sink. She was pretty good about it, and even sat and groomed herself while I blow-dried and combed her. I think this lady is going to be a pushover.
To make sure there were no repeat occurrances of kitten butt, this little lady got a butt clip (and right now Mark is reading this and thinking "You used my NEW SISSORS on a KITTEN BUTT!!!!!). Don't worry, it was WASHED kitten butt (and I washed the sissors as well).
Since I had the camera in hand, I was pleased to look over and see one of our very timid ferals checking out the action and was able to get a nice shot, for once. She is one of two who is headed out to an organic farm for relocation this week (cage and all).
On the home front, Nick is enjoying the dry weather. He is such a filthy cat.
And Mark and I agree, it's going to be one of the best years ever for lilacs in New York.
And, oh yeah, the chair fetish strikes again. These were being thrown out at the county facility where I was catching kittens. So of course they had to come home with me.
One of them has a snapped leg which I think I can fix. These will go down where I plan to set the Peace Pole along the creek, so if they are stolen I won't be heartbroken since they were free. One of the perks of kitten-trapping!
Have a great Saturday. It's already 12:34 and I have so many errands to run!
The donation is in memory of Yetti. March 1990 May 1, 2007. Flame point Himalayan, sweetest cat ever.
Oh yes, it's a banner year for lilacs and my sinuses haven't stopped hurting since the neighborhood bloomed. :(
I have some cat beds for you from Girl Scout Troop 38. Will bring with me this weekend with more toys.
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