Saturday, September 23, 2006

If this weren't such an neat photo...

I would be thinking "Oh God, more kittens." These are the mystery kittens. That mom cat? She's spayed. But the vet noticed she was lactating so we returned her as soon as possible. Apparently her kittens did NOT die unattended while she was at the vet (thank goodness; I always have nightmares about that). Mom is still lactating weeks later, feeding these two kits, even though she was fixed weeks ago.

Click the photo to get the gamboling impact. I initially cropped it to bring the cats out more, but it lost that feeling of "feralness"--not to mention the autumn season--so I put up the original.

So it looks like it's time to trap more kittens! This is the same place where we got these kittens who, coincidentally, JUST got fixed to be available for adoption, and are now tamed and ready to go.

Great shot, Valarie! It's not often someone has a camera in hand to get a feral momcat and kittens in the frame.


Anonymous said...

Are you usually able to find and bring in the kittens when you trap a momcat? This photo nearly has me in tears.

Anonymous said...

That's a great picture, and I know you must be relieved that the kittens survived and are being cared for. Of course more future SNs to take care of too.