Sunday, December 11, 2005

This is what the downstairs of the barn looked like today with Jen, Sam, Martha and Hilary sitting around the heater as we talked and grazed on food. This area is usually storage and isn't heated. We had twenty-one people for the open house, most visiting between 1:30 and 5:00. It's odd to hear people on both floors. The cats were well-behaved, except for Storm, who decided to take a swat after being petted by the third stranger. Lori, vet tech, and Amy, vet-in-training, visited, so I borrowed Lori to get Ben's furry butt shaved, and Amy took a look at Bug's minor head tilt (Bug didn't think much of the attention). Bug will need to go into the clinic to be checked out properly. Susan, a diagnotic lab tech, also visited, and the conversation in the corner with those three was positively medical.

The kittens were in heaven with all the attention, and they loved the toys that Nancy brought them. Tiger Tom and Plushy were sucking up to visitors big time. I sent Gabriel and Scarecrow off to a foster home because I figured they would be petrified by all of the traffic and didn't want to make them more timid than they are. I couldn't bring them in the house because the house was also open for the party, and we keep the guest room available in case someone needs to stay the night.

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