Boy, do his poor little innards make a lot of noise. He drank about a cup of water when he arrived, and I've been feeding him small amounts of food.
I drove past the house where he had lived, which had burned. Very sad. It's clear the family lost pretty much everything.
He's in the house, because I really have no idea what to do with him. He has a bit of a snizzle, and I have two kittens in the barn with a snizzle. Mixing upper respiratory illnesses is a big no no. The downstairs of the cat facility is being heated now, because Paatie is down there, but it's hardly kitten friendly.
He's been a bright spot in an otherwise pretty lousy day.
Is there anybody out there with no cats who would like to have a sweet kitten to cuddle up with for two weeks or so? He's quite the computer buddy, sitting here next to me as I work. Maybe some student stuck here alone for the holidays who would like a friend?
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