Thursday, November 15, 2007

Home again

I hate little planes. Hate them hate them hate them.

We had to fly over that storm in the Poconos and little planes don't go very high. The plane was getting tossed around, and every now and then it would drop....whoosh, stabilize, drop after another, as we went through the weather front. And of course I was in the very back row, so you could hear the luggage sliding around in the tail. Yikes! I did not like that trip AT ALL. I'm glad I didn't look at the satellite image before I got on, or when they asked for two volunteers because they were under a "weight restriction" I would have realized it was to lighten the load flying through a storm, and I would have rented a car and driven home instead.

And I'd still be driving. And I'd probably hit ice in the Poconos. Flying was probably safer.

But I'm safe on the ground now, having promised my soul to the storm spirits if they would only give us safe passage. Having been on a little plane in Alaska during daylight, I know that a plane falling a few feet isn't a big deal, but I still don't much enjoy the experience. And that's all my flying travel for the year, thank goodness.

And then I got to Ithaca and discovered, despite all those vehicles I see that say "Ithaca Airport Limosine" they do NOT have a shuttle, nor do Ithaca taxis take credit cards. I had 21.00 on my ATM card and a 20 withdrawal with a $2 fee is...$22 dollars. But the bank took pity and gave me the extra buck over my limit, otherwise I'd be sitting up at the airport still, trying to beg a ride from strangers.

As I was checking out my ATM card, I discovered that if you try to access your account more than twice in a short period of refuses you on the third try! So after discovering that I DID have money to get home after checking my balance, when I tried to swipe my card to actually withdraw the money, it refused to let me in. So I had to sit around for 15 minutes until it forgot who I was, and let me in again.

I could not use my work credit card, because I haven't reset the pin to something memorable, and I don't think they smile on cash advances, anyway.

But I'm home! Nick met me at the door, Jack said "hi" then immediately started terrorizing the other cats (Mark and I have decided Jack is going to spend some time in the cat facility this next week to re-set the pecking order in the house), the Waverly folks have caught two ferals (whoo hoo!), and Mark is off to his conference.

And I am off to the cat facility to see how the little monsters have trashed it this afternoon, and to set up the downstairs heater and cages for the ferals arriving tonight or tomorrow a.m.

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