Monday, August 21, 2006

Knuckles is Gnocchi!

We always love it when we get pictures in the mail. Knuckles has a great home and has been re-named Gnocchi. (Here is the very first post on Gnocchi's radial hypoplasia). We sent along Violet as a "chew-toy" kitten, and it looks like T and G will adopt her too! (No, this wasn't intended as a sneaky ploy on our part...single kittens with attitude can grow up very bitey if they don't have a kitten to play with. We've seen that with past "singles." More on that later with little Dude).

Isn't he a handsome fellow? You wouldn't even know he has a problem, except the vet showed me how he has limited ability to bend his wrists backwards. Other than that, he's a 90 mph kitty.

Here is Violet cuddling up with one of the big boys. Violet is probably the sweetest kitten ever, and the queen of the "nearly silent meow."

Actually, perhaps that orange "fellow" isn't a fellow after all. I've been striking out this year on determining the sex of kittens, so I'd better not assume that big and orange equals male.

We still have Esperanza, Gnocchi's mom. Her Petfinder page is here. She is a hoot and a half. She now has a gorgeous shining coat, plays like a kitten, and after a canine tooth extraction, her tongue sticks out. I think she uses the missing tooth to give the world a raspberry on a regular basis.


Anonymous said...

It's great that Knuckles/Gnocchi has had a happy ending after a difficult beginning. Great job :)

georg said...

Hooray for Gnocchi!

Our Tom has had both bottom canines removed. We were warned that he may stick out his tongue or drool a bit as a result, but instead he tends to open his mouth, stick the tongue out and in, and then shut the mouth, rather like a snake. Yet another thing that gives the poor boy "character."