Thursday, December 15, 2005

Keeping up in the world

Lest anyone think that animal welfare is all cute and furry, or angry and tragic, there is a significant scientific side. While I can't afford a ton of publications, I have finally subscribed to the Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science (JAAWS) and Society and Animals, to keep up with current research into animal welfare issues. Since I'm used to the hulking journals from my brief six-year venture into lab animal science (and used to copy-edit for a fairly large ecological journal so was forced to learn how to understand all those damned tables--loved the job though), I was surprised at the small size of these journals. But they are relatively young, and to tell you the truth, given the pace of my life, I think I like being able to to curl up with one of these and get through an article. It's not like research is light reading, and a huge thick journal can be imposing (not to mention expensive).

Another source for scientific data is
and Cat Management in Communities

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting about these resources!