Ivan's perineal urethrostomy seems to be successful! He peed this morning all on his own without a catheter. He is definitely out-of-touch, given his twice daily dose of pain meds but he sure seems a lot happier now, and doesn't even try to turn around to bug his back end.
However we have to make sure he doesn't pull those stitches out, so I'm still sleeping on the couch with for the next nine days. He goes back to the vet on Thursday for a checkup. I give him a warm compress and his pain meds twice a day (the warm compress to remove blood without having to rub him), his Baytril once a day (which he HATES), and lots and lots of attention.
I can't believe how affectionate and tolerant he has been through all of this. He had two fits of "OMG if you bother me any more I'm going to bite you, I swear!" but other than that, he has been purring and attentive.
I'm not quite sure how we would have managed all this if I didn't telecommute. Ivan has been one lucky cat, all the way around, mostly because his vet is Cornerstone.
So glad Ivan is doing well! I agree that a good Vet that you trust is very important.
Keeping my fingers crossed that all goes well for Ivan.
Just think,when its all over you get to sleep in a real bed!
mmmmmmmmmmmmm :) lol
Speedy recovery, Ivan!
That's a nice soft e-collar you have there.
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