Sunday, July 22, 2007

Emmi had better be watching Animal Planet

Valarie, here's your foster child in the Metro D.C. region! (VA, actually).

From Elizabeth:

Emmi (I decided on that .. ) is doing great!!! She and Oliver were best friends after only about 3 days, which was really only 3 evenings because she was in my room during the day. They now spend as much time together as possible, and they love to curl up in Emmi's little popup tent together. I have a few pictures of that on my camera, which I will try to upload this weekend. I did, however, get an AMAZINGLY cute picture with my cell phone last night, so I will attach that. I was watching a baseball game, and Emmi went and sat right in front of the tv, looking up at it. I am sending it along for your enjoyment :)

Hope all the other kitties are doing well!

Thanks, Elizabeth! We definitely want those "tent" photos.


Unknown said...

What a cute kitty!!

Wildrun said...

Just as cute as her new mom. :)