Today four of the ferals went to either their original home or their new home. I finally had the time to set them up in their cages for their reintroductions, post-spay/neuter. This means no more ferals on the first floor at my place. They are in their respective barns/garages getting used to their new places. The only cat currently on the first floor is sweet Lawrence, the FIV cat.
This makes for a little more work for a bit. I usually run out once a day to check sites where I have cats in cages until their release, even though their owner/caretakers are watching over them as well. Paranoid I guess.
But still, it makes things feel far less overwhelming not to have cats on the first floor of my place, even now that it is spiffed up a bit more. I'd rather drive out somewhere new than walk in the door to the cat facility each morning and face two floors full of cats.
Lawrence is totally friendly and can get out and wander around, and it's actually nice to have his welcoming meow, plus he keeps the neatest cage so he's no problem at all. Once I drag the old carpet out of the iso area, paint that floor, and spray down the whole darned first floor with disinfectant, I'll feel better about letting him wander all evening if he wishes rather than having to cool his paws in a cage all night.
Now we'll get the buff cats upstairs out to Matt's farm, and someone has expressed an interest in Thomas The Sniffler as a foster-to-adopt. The gray kitten has a hold on her, and the other kittens should go quickly, too. Except that I forgot to ask Valarie to bring her batch over for pictures today. Ack! The weekend went too quickly.
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