Thursday, July 08, 2010

Lost dog found!

The gossip chain, and how it works:

Debra (feral cat fixer, and all around animal advocate) emailed me (feral cat fixer) to let me know her friend Clint lost his senior dog Molly in the hills near my farm, on July 3.

I put it on my blog and emailed neighbors I know who live on that road, who I originally met because they also care for their feral cats. Debra had already contacted our wonderful local dog control officer, but I emailed her as well since she has been by here before.

Last night, Craig, the neighbor on the hill, called, but I was in the cat facility. So he drove down to let me know HIS neighbor had had a black dog wearily show up at his house. I couldn't find Clint's phone number on the web or in the phone book, so I called Laura, our DCO, who gave me the number, which I gave to Craig, who gave it to his neighbor, who called Clint...

...and Molly is now safely home, after five days in the woods.

Thanks, Debra, for knowing the gossip chain is the best way to find a lost critter. (It's also good for a lot of other things, in the hands of good people).

Thanks, Craig, for tromping all the way down here, knowing how bad I am about answering the phone.

I have the best friends and neighbors in the world. Spencer is a good place to live.


c and g said...


Chrissykat said...

Oh, wonderful wonderful news!