Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Girl Bob gets a home

Her new owner was searching for a play-and-snuggle-buddy for her active 10-year-old cat who recently lost his feline friend to kidney disease.

I think Girl Bob has the snuggling part down pretty well, don't you? Here she is practicing with Tyler:

Because Girl Bob is so tiny, I'm taking her to the vet for a pre-adoption vet visit. She was checked quickly before she was spayed, but I think a good listening-to is in order.

I've received a bunch of inquiries on Tyler. Some have been gift requests. Tyler is complex enough that he really needs to be specifically chosen. He was very charming with Kim, who adopted Girl Bob, after being quite nervous around the couple who came by earlier in the weekend. Somewhere out there is the right home for him.

1 comment:

meowmeowmans said...

Hooray for Girl Bob! Congratulations to you, Girl Bob, and her new family! :)

We have our fingers and paws crossed for Tyler. You're right ... there is a perfect home for him out there somewhere.

Have a great weekend!