Friday, October 20, 2006


Hey, sorry for the lapse in posting. Just like my kitten friends here, I've been tuckered out. I have email yet to answer, and cats to rotate after Miles goes to his new home and frees up a whole RUN (I believe some of the kittens will move in there). Many, many things to do.

Oh look, it's warmer if you lay ON your brother...


Fiona Kathleen Hogan said...

Too cute, too cute. :)

I'd plan to fill a house and become a crazy cat lady myself..... if only my partner weren't allergic.

Anonymous said...

Aww. Love that fuzzy stage.

Anonymous said...

You were right, that is a totally cute picture of them. I think I would lay on my brother too if I were her. I'm sure it is nice and cozy and warm.