Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sir Morgan gets his "Proceed to New Home" card

A mere two weeks after posting a video for Sir Morgan, he found a home. It looks like it's time to get more cute video for the rest of the cats! Poor Morgan has been here over a year, stuck in a cage at night to keep him from constantly grazing from the big shared food bowl and because he sometimes copped an attitude with other male cats. Now he's off to a home where he will be the one-and-only, and someone is home all day to fuss over him, too!


Chrissykat said...

Happy Day for Sir Morgan!!! What a lucky boy!

meowmeowmans said...

OMC! Sir Morgan is adorable! We are so happy he has found his forever home. Congratulations to him and his new people. :)

And thank YOU for giving them the chance to find each other!

Donna said...

Way to go Sir Morgan!

Doodle Bean said...

Congratulations to Sir Morgan, Knight of the First Order of the Pink Nose! Onward, brave knight, to slay the stuffed mice and purr your way through your new home!