Tuesday, June 09, 2009

He needs a name, and I'm running out.

Here is the little orange fellow who came running up on my porch the other night. Oddly, he has been around for well over a month, and would run away whenever he saw me. The other night, however, he came busting right up the porch stairs as soon as I came out. He was frightened off by Molly's yaps, but came running up again when I put her in the house and came out with a bowl of wet food.

He appears to have a detached right retina. The vet will be able to tell more. He is totally friendly, and is still amazed that he can eat all the food he wants.


Kitty_Rescue said...

Oh, he is so beautiful! It sounds as if he just needs a little TLC and a forever home where he'll be spoiled. Don't know why, but looking at his face, the anme Ramos came to mind...

JMKH said...

He looks just like my cat, the Bink. But I'd name him Ronin, a play on "running" as in his running up to get food and your running out of names. He's a cutie.

tat said...

He is so sweet! Love the pic w/ the paws together :-)

My vote for a name is Stanley - yes, I'm a Detroit Red Wings fan and we're going for the Stanley Cup tonight :-)

Blueberry said...

He looks sweet and/or spicy, like maybe Pumpkin ("Punkin"), or "Chai" (not sure why I keep thinking of food names)

Unknown said...

Well you blogged him...how about Blogger! Just kidding! He is gorgeous. My next kitty's name is going to be Arlo...next meaning in like 10 years. LOL!

christy said...

o, poor guy trying to hunt with no depth perception. our old boy, timmie, lost both his retinas.

georg said...

Since he's going to have vision problems with the one eye, why not reach for the Pirate names? Sparrow, after CApt. Jack... Orangebeard. Yellowbeard. Dread Pirate Roberts... Wesley. Mr. Teach. William Kidd. Samuel Bellamy. Henry Morgan. Jean Lafitte

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh, he looks just like our old neighbor kitty-Oliver, but written as Ah Lover. That he was, he even made friends with our crabby calico!
p.s. My word verification is "unlardo"...thanks, I just started a new workout program.

Anonymous said...

Sparky came to mind as soon as I saw him.

Anonymous said...

I like Henry Morgan. It sounds so sophisticated... He is such a beautiful cat. I wish we could take another.

Sharyn Ekbergh said...

Henry Morgan is a great suggestion. Dignified. Or just Morgan.
Or how about Mallory?