Saturday, January 19, 2008

Upcoming conferences in the Northeast

I always forget to blog these with time enough for anyone to plan to attend.

A 300 mile drive from central NY, but close to you MA folk, is the Whole Cat Workshop of the MA Animal Coalition on March 9 at Tufts University. A mere $25 for members and $40 for non-members ($25 for students!). I think I'm headed there, so if anyone else is going, let me know so we can rendezvous.

Then there is the AWFNJ conference February 22 and 23. That's a command performance for me every year for work, so I will definitely be there.

I think I'll make some "I blog for cats!" buttons. Anyone who reads this and finds me will get one! And OK, I do promise to post a picture of myself before that time, since it's silly to say "find me" if you don't know who you are looking for. I feel badly about not connecting with folks in Florida.

Have a great weekend!

Post note: Ha! They already exist!

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