A few days ago, my pet supply order arrived. Fuzz-e-floor hammocks, and quik lok crocks. They were immediately put to use in the cat facilities. The old hammocks came down to be washed, and the new ones went up. The new bowls went in to replace traditional bowls, but I was still one short.
Then yesterday, my postal person came up to the door with ANOTHER box from my pet supply place. I opened it and...huh! More bowls! My first thought was that the supply place had messed up my order and I was going to have to send these back or be charged for them when they realized their error. Then I thought to check the invoice.
Lynn, you sweet sneak you! Lynn (who has rescued an ark full of ferals in New Jersey) sent the Wildrun cats a present! And now I was no longer short on bowls!
Then today, Cary, another partner in crime at work, drove up two hours from PA with her video camera in hand and shot footage of the Wildrun clan so we can post video clips on my Petfinder site. Many of my shy adults cats haven't had in inquiry in years. How do you show that a shy cat really can be a playful love bug?
Well, Cary got lots of sweet and silly footage of some cats who look downright stodgy in standard photos. Her camera took great footage even in low light. Even Leo and Wings showed off for her.
And guess what. She has been looking out for a cat for her father, and she fell for the stodgiest but sweetest of all. Guess who?
Snurffly, blinky Thomas, who just wants to be loved. He wound Cary right around his chubby paw. The vet tells us Thomas had blocked tear ducts, or may have genetic issues from his obvious squish-faced ancestors, but I'll take him into the vet this week to see to get those eyes checked again and get his booster shots. He also had (OMG!) flea dirt on his white butt, so everyone got a round of Revolution this evening.
While Cary was here this afternoon, my overloaded postal person once again stopped her car instead of just tossing the mail in the mailbox. ANOTHER package!
More Fuzz-E-Floors!
Lynn strikes again! So now we have more than enough hammocks to go around, plus extras so that no one goes without when they are being washed.
Merry late Christmas for the cats of Wildrun, and especially Thomas, who is going to be SO happy to get out of here, since all he really wants is a lap to call his own.
Thank you, Lynn and Cary. I can't begin to articulate what this long-distance kindness means to me.
Let's show off those hammocks, both those purchased with donations, and those Lynn sent:
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