Saturday, April 18, 2009

Tucking in the cats

I feel badly that I have not been posting more photos of the rescued cats. Mostly this is due to my failing camera. But that is a cop-out, as I have a pile of gift cards (by way of an award from work) to a camera store to replace it---I just need to pick one out and make a phone call.

Faith, Hope's mom, is such a little pistol. She now bounces right down out of her cage to be with the other cats, although she's still not quite sure of them. She loves the laser-pointer, and she plays with anything and everything. She is the cutest little cat that's come through this place in a long while. Maybe she's filling the spunky-black-and-white-girl-cat void left by Espie? Her fur is pretty dull, probably from her year on the streets. Given how shiny little Hope is, I'm betting once this sheds out, she'll be as pretty as her daughter.

She is so happy to be warm and well-fed. It's a joy to watch her zooming around the cat facility. She tends to trot rather than canter, and I've never seen a cat trot quite so quickly. I didn't think cat legs could move that fast.

I have someone in mind for her for a home. I'll let you know how it goes.

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