The photo above came out incorrectly, but my desktop computer is ill and will not let me crop photos. If you click on it, you'll get to view them decently.
Harley and Sylvester were adopted by my sister, Linda. I am going through all the stuff I've meant to organize and came across this photo of the two of them lounging. Linda adopted Harley as a wide-eyed kitten about nine (?) years ago. She adopted Sylvester, who was one of our longtermers in the cat room, just a few years ago, upon which he promptly notified her he had a $1000 plus hairball and she ended up with a huge vet bill.
They are sweet cats, but are shy of me now. While Sylvie will let me pet him, Harley hides under the bed, so I guess I'll have to be content with a photos to see them!
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