Monday, January 22, 2007

Take away the cats.....





Anonymous said...

It's unfortunate the island is suffering, but what a bunch of idiots to completely eradicate the feline population! And these are supposed to be intelligent people...?

Wildrun said...

And certainly, even if they were dead-set on eradication, any such program should have included funding/plans for the prey species who would explode to damaging levels once the predators were gone.

Anonymous said...

regardless of whether or not the cats kept the 'pest' populations under control, none of those animals belong on that island....

muse said...

Foresight is in short supply over there, apparently. :p

They could have maintained a certain number of (neutered/spayed) cats to control the pests...

georg said...

A while ago, in Beijing, they decided they were tired of cleaning sparrow poop and having them nest all over. So they edicted laws to destroy all of the sparrows that nested there.

They are still dealing with the aftermath of the mosquito explosion.