Friday, September 07, 2007

No more "rocks" for Schubert

Well, tonight Mark went to bed and threw
for the cats. One handful for the downstairs cats, and one handful for the upstairs cats.

Oh. Upstairs Cat. Just one cat. Just little Norma. No Schubert.

I took Schubert to the vet today to be euthanized due to complications from diabetes.

How can a cat we couldn't even pet make such a difference in the household? He'll get a post tomorrow, but it seemed unfair to let the day go by without mentioning him.

No rocks for Schubert, tonight.


georg said...

I'm sorry for Schubert.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear that. You guys are having a rough time lately. I'm right here if you need a shoulder. And let me know when I can take those kittens off your hands (I'll take the 4-some).

Anonymous said...

Oh, sad. Very sorry for your loss.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you have to make such a decision, and sorry about Schubert.