I had made promises to catch cats for some people in the Spencer area, and Nancy and Dawn were next of the list before cats started poppin' kittens this spring. Last night we caught both Lily here, and her last-year-kitten, a black male (I think). Lily has an appointment to be spayed at either the end of this week or the beginning of next.
Lily has been out there living the feral life for at least a year, but she's actually quite sweet. She was chirping at me today, and leaned in to be petted, but she swatted my hand when I pulled it away, so we'll see how she is once she's gotten used to people.
She's a pretty swirled tabby with a half a tail.
Her grown kitten, however, is completely feral....although he DOES meow. Maybe he learned it from his mom.
Our Tom *still* swats at you when you pull your hand away from petting.
He has learned to meow and stand up and beg from the other cats, however. And come breakfast, his meow is the *loudest*. He went from a very soft chirp to a clear Meawr. He still purrs the softest of any cat I've ever met though. He will sometimes purr for his petting, and then swat you when you stop, as if to stay hey! you put that hand back! And sometimes, he's serious with his swating, and sometimes, not so much.
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