Sunday, April 22, 2007

Help requested re: RSS Feed

My content is being used so someone can profit from Google ads at:

If you go there, PLEASE do not click on any Google ads.

Does anyone know how I can block my RSS feed from this particular blog, while permitting all others to access me via RSS? I turned off my RSS feed, but legitimate readers requested that I turn it back on. I specifically do not have Google ads on this blog because I want it to be clear that it is a content blog, not a traffic blog.

Any help would be greatly appreciated! I have emailed Google to log my concern and have attempted to reach the blog owner with no response. I have commented on *my own* posts at this site, but so far my comments do not appear (it has only been a few hours).


vlad259 said...

There doesn't appear to be a way to do that, which is a shame. I will have a search but you'd best turn it off again.

ancodia said...

Oh, how *rude*!! How did you find out about the other site?

Anonymous said...

You can report the offending site to Google. There are a couple of avenues -- you can report them for having a website which exists only for the purposes of showing AdSense ads, and/or you can report them for a DMCA violation. The latter is extremely effective, and the result is that the person's entire website gets banned from Google, which is very satisfying. People are stealing feeds all the time, everywhere, and I personally enjoy seeing them punished on behalf of everyone they've stolen content from.

Here's the DMCA page:

Here's the AdSense reporting page:

If you need help with any of this, please just let me know. It's a pain in the butt, but the thieves won't stop unless we take the time to report them. Also, shutting off your feed is no guarantee that the problem will stop, as someone could just use a content scraper program to take content directly from your blog.

Anonymous said...

Oooh, I just checked out the site that's stealing your content, and you have such a great case against them because they're reproducing your entire blog! Go get 'em!

Anonymous said...

Here's a site I previously found
when my daughter had the same problem with her blog. It's part of the reason I have a web site rather than a blog. Hope the long address is not a problem.

Wildrun said...

Google/Adsense says they have forwarded me on to their team of specialists. :) We'll see if anything happens.