Thursday, March 22, 2007

On the road again....

The first thing...well, maybe the third thing...I saw when I checked into the hotel was a white, longhaired feral cat, sitting on the back steps. I walked up and spoke to him but he did that "feral crouch" and looked ready to bolt, so we didn't pressure him. I saw cats here last year as well. Perhaps I should make some discrete inquiries or look around for bowls to see if anyone is taking care of them. I didn't see an eartip...


Anonymous said...


Have you purposefully turned off your news feed?

News feeds are usually automatically on for sites but not yours....

Just wondering...

Steve (
...who would like to read your posts via a newsreader.

Anonymous said...

Susan posted about turning off the feed a few weeks ago, as someone was stealing her posts. I thought I'd might as well answer your question as I knew the answer, but I'm sure she'll have more to add.

I was having the same problem on my blog, so I put a Creative Commons statement on it and in my feed, and if anyone steals my posts, I'm now able to report them to the search engines. The thieves are always spammers, which is why the problem is extra annoying.