And you are about to be treated to the most mundane blogging you've experienced in your life.
I've had a cold. Not a serious cold. A pain-in-the-neck-but-absolutely-no-reason -why-you-can't-function cold. I've had this thing for three weeks now. I assume it originally started out as a cold and now I've either caught a second one, or am dealing with a sinus infection. La-de-dah. Not a big deal.
However, I literally haven't done much of anything in three weeks. Oh, I've taken care of the cats of course, and got my Christmas responsibilities done (barely). But basically I've been lying on the couch in a torpor, getting progressively less and less productive, until the disease is actually this lack of enthusiasm for getting anything done, rather than this cold whose only real limitation upon me is that I need to be ready access to a box of Puffs Plus.
Mark caught the same cold, and did that stop him from making a pork chop dinner two nights ago, bringing in wood, and even MOPPING FLOORS yesterday? No indeed.
So I have dragged myself off the couch and am now determined to keep moving all day. Unfortunately, the cats have decided to help me, and you know how that goes:
So throughout the day I'll be posting my progress. That's what I meant by mundane. :)
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